Saturday morning I was showing some folks the new lambs and right then one of the ewes began to lamb.
Eventually she produced a large fellow but he was not breathing
I got him breathing but then took a look to see what he was, boy or girl, and discovered that he was bleeding out!
His umbilical cord was herniated and protruding out of his belly!
I had the poor folks who were watching all this trauma, throw me a piece of twine that I used to tie off the bleeding area. I rushed up to the house to get my keys to take him to the vet.
Jenny Thrasher was here looking at a piece of furniture that she wanted to buy and she immediately offered to drive.
Thank goodness for her quick help.
Newberg Vet Hospital put him back together and I am happy to say that he is doing fine 6 days later.
Check out the wonderful photos that Jenny has on her BlogSpot.
Here is the link: